Organic argan oil for cosmetic use bottle 200 ml



an oil 100% bio prepared by a network female co-operatives

which associate ancestral know-how and modern technique of extraction.

It is conditioned and controlled.the oil of argan is famous to be one

of the anti-wrinkle naturalness of most effective.

This one in-depth rehydrate, the skin becomes firmer, softer and smoother.

sold out of bottle spray of 200 ml

The oil of argan is resulting from the seeds broods in the core of the fruit of the argan, collected with the hand (and not those introduced by the goats before being collected). This thorny tree and wild growth under a hard climate where wind and sun are answered tirelessly.

The Berber women coat this elixir to protect their skin as well as their hair.

In the pure Eastern tradition, the oil of argan is used for hydrater* and to regenerate. Its strong content of unsaturated fatty-acids, vitamins has and E, makes an agent restructuring except par of it. It softens the skin. The hands are soft, the put back feet, the nails strengthened, the hair chatoyants and silky.
* roadbases of the skin

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